
Swalwell Primary School

Working together, learning together


Year 4 Home Learning Tuesday 31st March

Good Morning Everyone!


Well done for all of your hard work yesterday! I really enjoyed looking at your work on Purple Mash.


Here is your work for today:


English – Choose an animal from the rainforest. Research your chosen animal and write some informative sentences about it. What does is eat? What does it look like?


Try to use:


  • Fronted adverbial e.g. In the rainforest,
  • Technical language e.g. venomous, canopy, reptile
  • Adjectives e.g. colourful, sharp, scaly
  • Conjunctions e.g. which, as, if, even though, because
  • Prepositional phrases e.g. on the top of its head, beneath the trees


Maths – Using the following coins. How many different ways can you find to make:


  • 50p
  • £1
  • £2



PE – Find a way to keep active. This could be a Joe Wicks workout, Cosmic Kids Yoga, Just Dance, playing in the garden or creating your own workout for your family!


Art/DT – Our topic this half term has been rainforests. Create a piece of artwork inspired by this topic. You could draw, paint, create a model or anything else you can think of. Have fun!


Have a lovely day!

Miss Grey
