
Swalwell Primary School

Working together, learning together


Year 3 Home Learning 3.6.2020


Hello Year 3!


Here are your jobs for today


English: This week, you’re going to write your own instructions to explain mummification but today, I would just like you to think of your heading and introduction. Remember, the introduction does not need to be very long but it needs to be clear to explain what your instructions are going to be about and it needs to draw the reader in and make them want to follow your instructions. Can you also add in a rhetorical question to make the reader want to continue?

Would you like to learn how the Egyptians mummified people?Do you want to learn the process of mummification?
Have you ever wondered what happened to the Ancient Egyptian pharaohs after they died?

Read the introduction of the instructions from yesterday to give you ideas.


Maths: Work out what the missing numbers are. Think about which number multiplied by itself will give you 64 and 9.


PE: Get some exercise, you could go for a walk or a run, do a just dance, a Joe Wicks PE session, a cosmic yoga video or make up your own exercise routine!


Have a nice day!

Miss Foster
