
Swalwell Primary School

Working together, learning together


Year 6 Home learning Wed 22nd April

Good morning everyone.

I’m missing hearing all of your chatter about what you have all been up to – we all know how much you like to chat!

A few tasks to keep you busy today.


English –


Look at this image carefully. Make a prediction – what do you think this story is about? Think about the words – what do they mean? Does that give you a clue as to what it is about? Use a dictionary to look up the word mourning if you don’t know. What is a dove? What is it a symbol for?


Maths – Yesterday you started looking at angles, in particular vertically opposite angles. Two things for you to do today.


First, look around whichever room you are sitting in now. How many right angles can you find? Where are they? Write in the comments what you find.


What do you notice about all of the right angles? Why do you think we use them so often in the things we make/build/use? Remember to tell me what you think in the comments.


Next, vertically opposite angles again. Tell someone in your house what they are. (If you can’t remember look at yesterday’s work again.)



Now try these 2 questions


History – Read this document about WW2 and how/why it started.

Make a list of the reasons that WW2 started. Remember to use some of the things you found out from Monday’s history lesson to help you
