
Swalwell Primary School

Working together, learning together


Year 3 Home Learning 4.5.2020

Hi Year 3!

Hope you’ve all had a great weekend despite the weather! Here are your jobs for today.

English: Look at the picture below, click on it to see it full size and discuss with someone what you can see.



Answer these questions in your Home Learning book. Explain your answers and why you think this and use different pens to write a PEE (Point, Example, Explain) paragraph.


  • What can you see?
  • Who is the Invisible Man?
  • Why is he invisible?
  • Why is he carrying someone in his briefcase? Who is that? How did he get there? Is he trying to get out? Does the Invisible Man know that he’s there?
  • Where is he going?


Spelling: Learn these spellings. Practise counting out the syllables, rainbow writing, pyramid words, playing spelling relay and speed write the words as many times as you can in one minute.


Address, Appear, Arrive, Different, Difficult, Grammar, Occasion, Opposite, Pressure, Suppose


Maths: Today we are going to recap and practise our 2 times table. First practise counting in twos. Write out the two times table e.g. 0 x 2 = 0, 1 x 2 = 2…. Up to 12 x 2. You can do this in your home learning book or get creative and make a poster with paints, you could write it out in chalk in your garden or any other ideas you might have. Draw pictures or arrays to represent each calculation or use objects you find around the house to show groups of 2. I’d love to see how you’ve done it so please take a photo!


What do you notice about all of the numbers in the two times table? Write what the pattern is. Practise saying it or chanting it so that you remember.


Once you’ve done that ask someone to time you answering these questions as fast as you can. Click on it to see it full size.



Art: Ancient Egyptians used special symbols called hieroglyphics to write. They often used these to make name plates called Cartouches for important people, click on the pictures below to have a look. Use the chart below to design your own cartouche to represent your name.

PE: Try to do an activity that makes your heart beat fast for at least 30 minutes. This could be a Joe Wicks PE session, a Just Dance or some exercises that you have planned. You could also ask an adult to take you for a power walk or jog around the streets.


Have a nice day!

Miss Foster 
