
Swalwell Primary School

Working together, learning together


Year 4 Home Learning Thursday 30th April

Good Morning Everyone!


Here is your work for today:


English – Yesterday you gathered some ideas about what the Prince might be able to see happening in his city. In the story, the Prince begs the Swallow to stay with him to help and the Swallow agrees, even though he needs to get to Egypt before it gets too cold to survive. How do you think the Prince feels knowing that the Swallow is willing to help him?


Create a list or spider diagram about the Prince’s feelings. Remember that there will be a mixture of positive and negative feelings. Try to think of powerful words to engage your reader. You could use the internet to find synonyms of the words you want to improve.



  • The Prince feels guilty that he didn’t help when he was alive
  • The Prince feels grateful for the Swallow’s help
  • The Prince was very lonely until the Swallow arrived

Maths – I have set you another task on Purple Mash


PSHE – Over the last few weeks we have seen lots of examples of people helping others. Lots of people have been going to work to help people, doing shopping for neighbours who can not go out, doing live performances from their homes to cheer people up, raising money for charity and so many other things. Ask a grown up what you could do to help them today. Maybe you could help with some tidying, cleaning, looking after a sibling or a pet, make a picture or write a letter to cheer someone up.


Music – In Science this term we are learning about sound. Yesterday you learnt about how sound travels. Use what you have found out to design and create your own musical instrument using materials you find around the house. Can you change the sound that your instrument makes? How? Can you make loud noises and quiet noises? Can you make high pitched noises and low pitched noises?  Always ask an adult before you use any materials.


I’d love to see photos of your instruments on the Facebook page!


Have a great day!

Miss Grey
